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Teddybearsearch (4.2) has found 10 Results in less than 1 sec

Laurence Veron, Artiste d'Ours en peluche Laurence Veron - personal home page
Artist - France

language(s) : English,French

"La première artiste d'ours française à avoir son site internet! Découvrez ses ours dans une galerie pleine d'humour, et une grande page sur la technique de fabrication des ours de collection."


Alent'Ours teddy bears by Laurence Veron Laurence Veron - personal home page
Artist - France

language(s) : English,French

"The first french teddy bear artist on the internet ! Visit the teddy bears gallery, meet the artist, and vote for your favourite bear of the month. All original designs."


Teddy bear search engine : Free patterns Oursement Votre - Non profit Site
Magazine - France

language(s) : French,English

"Donwload free teddy bear patterns from this section of our site. This pattern is intended for beginners in bear making."


Blue Ribbon Bears Mark Linnell - Commercial Site
Collector - UK

language(s) : English

"Teddy Bear Collectors site We have a selection of Antique & Vintage teddy bears looking for new loving homes! Steiff, Merrythought, Hermann, Ideal, Farnell, knickerbocker etc. Based in the UK & USA"


Old Bears 4 U Debbie & Paul - personal home page
Collector - UK

language(s) : English

"Old/antique teddy bears, Steiff,Bing, Chiltern, chad valley, rattle and toys. Cleaning and repairing service for any of your teddy bears. We also buy, swap and rehome your old bears."


The Old Bear Company The Old Bear Company Ltd - Commercial Site
visa mastercard
Retailer - UK

language(s) : English

"The long-established original web site devoted exclusively to old teddy bears & soft toys, including early Steiff, Bing, Chad, and many more. Updated constantly with lots of fun new photos each week!"


Old Puppets 'n Bears Old Puppets 'n Bears - Commercial Site
Collector - Nederland

language(s) : Dutch,English,German

"Antique Steiff, Schuco, JoPi and other teddy bears and animals for sale... We collect old puppets 'n bears..."


Martin Kidman, Charming Old Toys and Teddy Bears Martin Kidman - Commercial Site
visa mastercard amex
Retailer - UK

language(s) : English

"Martin Kidman specialises in interesting and amusing, old and antique bears and soft toys. There is particular emphasis on larger bears and animals on wheels, especially by Steiff."


Old Time Bears Mark Meehan - Commercial Site
Retailer - UK

language(s) : English

"A wide range of Antique, Vintage and Collectable Teddy Bears, Toys and animals.Including, Steiff, Bing, Merrythought, Chad Valley, Chiltern, amongst others.Postcards and other teddy bear-related items"


Der Holzpferd und Teddy Ratgeber Daniel - Commercial Site
secured payment visa
Retailer - Germany

language(s) : German

"Teddy Bear Website"


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Bear artists interviews

We have also bear artist's interview : have a look at our Laurence Veron, Jackie Morris, Kelly Dean and Robin Foley interviews in english !