
The dynamic teddy bear sites directory

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Huckleberries Gift Boutique 2068806 Ontario Inc.

"Huckleberries Gift Boutique is pleased to offer the bear collector a great selection of Charlie Bears and Kaycee Bears - both collections are handmade teddies from the UK. Come into our shop in Grand Bend, Ontario and see the bears first hand." ..more..

"Everythingplushandstuffed.com offers the bear collector a great selection of Charlie Bears and Kaycee Bears. - both collections are handmade teddies from the UK. Everythingplushandstuffed.com is one of two distributors in Canada for these great bear" ..more..

Duffyantiques Brenda Power

"Traditional handmade teddy bears, made from the finest mohair, and fashioned after antique teddies" ..more..

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