"Bonjour" The bear simple as a Pie !
By Oursement Vôtre - The teddy bear search engine

In France, we have an expression when something is easy to do. We say "simple as Bonjour" (easy as pie !).
So, "Bonjour" is the name of this 8.5 inches teddy bear who is really easy to make with our free teddy bear pattern.
French bear artist Laurence Veron of website www.alentours.com created this pattern especially for the beginners.
Beware, "Bonjour" is not a toy and is not intended for children.
Getting the pattern
Click here to get directly the instructions and the pattern to print.
Double check the dimensions of the pattern once printed, as some browsers may alter the real units when printing.
For this, use the ruler printed on the pattern.
Bears realized from this free pattern cannot be sold.