
The dynamic teddy bear sites directory

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Rosies Strickbaeren Marion Ettl

"Handmade in Austria! Knitted Bears in handsewn austrian Tracht,dressed as a bride or in a silkflower-bouquet." ..more..

"Mit Liebe handgefertigte Teddybären, nur Einzelstücke. An English translation is being prepared. Teddybears lovingly manufactured by hand, one-of-a-kind." ..more..

Ra-Lina Teddys Austria Gabriele Dutzler

"Exquisite Artistbears, one of a kind and double neck joint.Mohair and Fur.Airbrush and many detail.Awards round all the world.Open mouth with teeth.Polar and Grizzleybears." ..more..

Meg-Bears Meg Goiser

"Handmade Artist Teddybears!" ..more..

Collectible Teddy Bears Michael Fischer

"Antique Collectible Teddy Bears for Sale" ..more..

Steirerbaeren Sabine Haberle

"Handmade Teddys with lots of love" ..more..

"in liebevoller handarbeit hergestellte künstlerbären, einzelstücke und kleine serien, alle bären nach eigenen entwürfen genäht, auch klassische bären, meistens bekleidet, ausserdem viele motivbären wi" ..more..

"Each of my teddy bears is a unique handmade with love based on my own designs. Teddy bear lovers and collectors will have fun and enjoy my creations - can also be purchased." ..more..