
The dynamic teddy bear sites directory

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Bearistocrats Susan Conacher

"Bearistocrats are handcrafted Teddy Bears from vintage fur by Susan Conacher. All my bears are from my own patterns. The bears are fully jointed with glass eyes. I also make 4-6 inch mohair bears." ..more..

Adner Bears Brenda Desroches

"Lovingly handcrafted, award winning teddy bears, from original designs, by Canadian teddy bear artist Brenda Desroches." ..more..

Teddy Bear Mine (Ev)Evelyn Canham

"Original Miniature Artist Teddy Bears by Ev Canham. under 5 inches, hand-stitched, using mohair, alpaca and vintage fabrics, fully jointed, with little faces to tickle your heart. Pay Pal and Layaway" ..more..

Here A Bear, There A Bear Lydia Massarelli

"Canadian bear artist: original designs, mohair, one-of-a-kind, some limited editions, bears ranging in size from 4 to 14 inches." ..more..

"Second Childhood features enchanting miniature teddy bears for the collector." ..more..

PM Bears Patti Hendriks

"Original Artist Bears by Patti Hendriks. Featuring antique style reproductions, one of a kinds and funky folk finds. All made from 100% mohair. Patti has designed bears for over 14 years." ..more..

Kran-Beary's Teddy Bears Nancy Tillberg

"Beautiful, original teddy bears in mohair and genuine fur by artist and author Nancy Tillberg. Free E-Cards, a Newsletter, books, online bear making workshops, auctions and more!" ..more..