"Eng. This is not a real site. If you see this link this is certainly because you are running the teddy bear search engine demonstration. Fr. Site de demonstration du moteur de recherche." ..more..
"Je crée et réalise des ours originaux et personnalisés, cousus ou crochetés,(laine, mohair, fourrure, cashemir, whool, fur). Original bear collection, hand made in limited edition, hooked and sewed." ..more..
" collectible handsome bears & crittersfor everybody needing a hug and tenderness. Ours de collection" ..more..
"Venez découvrir mes créations. Tous mes ours sont fabriqués artisanalement et à l'ancienne. Bonne visite! Discover my creations. All the bear are hand made in the old fashioned style." ..more..
"Site over views, description how i proceed" ..more..
"My home made teddies" ..more..