"Baerenklinik - Erste Hilfe und mehr für kranke Teddybaeren und Stofftiere. First aid and more - send us your teddybears - take a look." ..more..
"Noble bears made of noble materials by german artist Barinya." ..more..
"Old fashion teddy bear (dressed) Krambambuly Bear looks at you with knowing eyes." ..more..
"Reproduktion antiker Puppen - Traditionell gearbeitete Bären - Handbemalte Steine mit Bärenmotiven - Handgemalte Bärenbilder" ..more..
"Here you can find handmade bears, all of them are one of a kind. In my ebay-Shop you can buy all what you need for make bears :O))" ..more..
"Antique Teddy Bears, stuffed animals and other fine items we sell from our collection." ..more..
"Design/creation of teddybears and naturalistic animals. Teddybear restoration. Bear making supplies. Entwurf/Anfertigung Teddybären und naturalistische Tiere. Teddy-Restaurierung u. Zubehör-Verkauf." ..more..