Teddy bear artists interviews

Laurence Veron
French teddy bear artists are very seldom on the internet. Laurence Veron was the first french artist to introduce her creations on her website : www.alentours.com
Her work is already presented in Linda Mullins "Tribute to teddy bear artist - series 3" and she regularly collaborate with international bear magazines.

Jackie Morris
Although we already knew her through the net and by email, we had the opportunity and the pleasure to meet Jackie Morris in person, in France, when she was attending the "Paris-Creation" show.

Robin Foley
Talented american artist Robin Foley, whose work has been featured in "Tribute to teddy bear artists series 2" and "Designing the Doll" as well as in numerous bears and dolls magazines.

Kelly Dean
Kelly Dean, creator of "Mole Island Bear" and "Bear Noel". Prepare yourself to be surprised by the originality and the beauty of his creations !